If you love reading or researching, you know the joy of being immersed in the quiet atmosphere of a library. In this article, I am adding a list below so that you can see the resources, locations and features of the world’s top libraries.
Library of Congress
Name: Library of Congress
Webpage: https://www.loc.gov/
The British Library
Name: The British Library
Webpage: https://www.bl.uk/
New York Public Library
Name: New York Public Library
Webpage: https://www.nypl.org/
National Library of Australia
Name: National Library of Australia
Webpage: https://www.nla.gov.au/
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Name: Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Webpage: https://www.bnf.fr/
The European Library
Name: The European Library
Webpage: http://www.theeuropeanlibrary.org/
World Digital Library
Name: World Digital Library
Webpage: https://www.wdl.org/
The National Library of China
Name: The National Library of China
Webpage: http://www.nlc.cn/
Library and Archives Canada
Name: Library and Archives Canada
Webpage: https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/
National Diet Library (Japan)
Name: National Diet Library
Webpage: https://www.ndl.go.jp/en/
The Russian State Library
Name: The Russian State Library
Webpage: https://www.rsl.ru/en
German National Library
Name: German National Library
Webpage: https://www.dnb.de/EN/Home/home_node.html
The National Library of Sweden
Name: The National Library of Sweden
Webpage: https://www.kb.se/
The Royal Library (Denmark)
Name: The Royal Library
Webpage: https://www.kb.dk/en/
National Library of Spain
Name: National Library of Spain
Webpage: http://www.bne.es/en/Inicio/index.html
National Library of Israel
Name: National Library of Israel
Webpage: https://web.nli.org.il/sites/nlis/en/
National Library of South Africa
Name: National Library of South Africa
Webpage: http://www.nlsa.ac.za/
National Library Board (Singapore)
Name: National Library Board
Webpage: https://www.nlb.gov.sg/
The National Library of Brazil
Name: The National Library of Brazil
Webpage: https://bn.gov.br/en
The National Library of Poland
Name: The National Library of Poland
Webpage: https://bn.org.pl/en/
National Library of Ireland
Name: National Library of Ireland
Webpage: https://www.nli.ie/
National Library of Scotland
Name: National Library of Scotland
Webpage: https://www.nls.uk/
National Library of New Zealand
Name: National Library of New Zealand
Webpage: https://natlib.govt.nz/
Swiss National Library
Name: Swiss National Library
Webpage: https://www.nb.admin.ch/
National Library of Norway
Name: National Library of Norway
Webpage: https://www.nb.no/en/
National Library of Finland
Name: National Library of Finland
Webpage: https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en
Austrian National Library
Name: Austrian National Library
Webpage: https://www.onb.ac.at/en
National Library of the Netherlands
Name: National Library of the Netherlands
Webpage: https://www.kb.nl/en
National Library of Mexico
Name: National Library of Mexico
Webpage: https://www.bnmexico.mx/
National Library of Argentina
Name: National Library of Argentina
Webpage: https://www.bn.gov.ar/
National Library of Colombia
Name: National Library of Colombia
Webpage: https://www.bibliotecanacional.gov.co/
National Library of Indonesia
Name: National Library of Indonesia
Webpage: https://www.perpusnas.go.id/
National Library of the Philippines
Name: National Library of the Philippines
Webpage: https://www.web.nlp.gov.ph/
National Library of South Korea
Name: National Library of South Korea
Webpage: https://www.nl.go.kr/english/
National Library of Thailand
Name: National Library of Thailand
Webpage: http://www.nlt.go.th/en/
National Library of Turkey (Türkiye)
Name: National Library of Turkey
Webpage: http://www.millikutuphane.gov.tr/
National and University Library (Croatia)
Name: National and University Library
Webpage: https://www.nsk.hr/en/
National Library of the Czech Republic
Name: National Library of the Czech Republic
Webpage: https://www.nkp.cz/english-version/
National Library of Hungary
Name: National Library of Hungary
Webpage: https://www.oszk.hu/en
National Library of Romania
Name: National Library of Romania
Webpage: https://www.bibnat.ro/Home-en-24.htm
National Library of Portugal
Name: National Library of Portugal
Webpage: https://www.bnportugal.gov.pt/
National Library of Greece
Name: National Library of Greece
Webpage: https://www.nlg.gr/en/
National Library of Estonia
Name: National Library of Estonia
Webpage: https://www.nlib.ee/en
National Library of Latvia
Name: National Library of Latvia
Webpage: https://www.lnb.lv/en
National Library of Lithuania
Name: National Library of Lithuania
Webpage: https://www.lnb.lt/en/
National Library of Ukraine
Name: National Library of Ukraine
Webpage: https://www.nbuv.gov.ua/en
National Library of India
Name: National Library of India
Webpage: http://nationallibrary.gov.in/
National Library of Malaysia
Name: National Library of Malaysia
Webpage: http://www.pnm.gov.my/
National Library of Pakistan
Name: National Library of Pakistan
Webpage: http://www.nlp.gov.pk/
National Library of Sri Lanka
Name: National Library of Sri Lanka
Webpage: http://www.natlib.lk/